Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Being a Hunter-Gatherer -- Lesson 3

Even hunter-gatherers can use their finds for fun. 

My yard is full of dandelions.  A friend recently showed me a recipe for dandelion wine, so I decided to try it out myself.  Filling the colander with blossoms was a quick process.
 Freshly picked dandelion blossoms.

Pulling the yellow petals out of the green parts took forever! I think next time I'll try a batch without separating the greens, even though I've read it makes for a more bitter drink.  The steeped dandelion petals smelled really good, even better with the added oranges.
Dandelion petals in the soup pot for steeping.

My recipe only makes a gallon, so I'm fermenting it in my Mr. Beer keg. Now I just have to wait for the yeast to do its thing. It will take six months to a year, so I guess I'll be drinking some homebrewed beer while I wait!
Making beer.

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