Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The next adventure awaits...

Guess what gang?!

In addition to having a backlog of fun hikes and camping trips to tell you all about (and bore you with? I hope not), I'm busy planning more fun things!

It's getting super hot here in Southern Nevada. Definitely too hot to hike at lower elevations, which means I gots ta beat tha heat!  This weekend I'll be heading up to Great Basin National Park. It's at a higher elevation (campgrounds are at 7,000 and 9,000 ft), and has lots of nice trees. Even a glacier! I hope to be able to hike to the top of Wheeler Peak (my first mountain summit?), but we'll see what the elevation does to me!

A couple of weekends ago I went on a camping trip to Utah with my Hiking Buddy...hopefully I'll be able to write more about that this week!


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