Friday, July 15, 2011

Mexican Food Month: Tamales

Mmm, tamales.  I don't think I ever ate tamales growing up. When I first discovered the wonder that is Trader Joe's, I fell in love their frozen green chile cheese tamales. They were extremely filling, portable for lunch, and at a bargain price.  I have since had other tamales with a variety of fillings. 

When I decided have a Mexican food month, tamales were on the top of my list.  Wrapped in their corn husks, they seemed so mysterious. How did the filling and dough get in there? Well, now I know!

Tamales take a long time to make.

First, you make the filling.

Then (or at the same time), you have to soak the corn husks in water.  You can buy a package of the corn husks at the grocery store -- I think the ones I got were from Goya. 

Next, you make the dough.  I found this part tricky. The cookbook I was using, Rick Bayless' Authentic Mexican, has about four different tamale dough recipes, all slightly different depending on what type of masa you have. 

Once the husks are soaked and the filling and dough are made, you have to put them together.  Laying the corn husks out flat, you smear some dough on, trying to get it just the right thickness and width. I honestly wasn't sure what those golden dimensions were, but I winged it.  Then, you spoon in some filling, but not too much! Then the husk gets rolled together and tied closed with strips of husk.

Whoo! That was some work. But wait--- you're not done. Now, you get to steam them in a big pot for several hours.  This is how they turned out!
They were really tasty! So tasty, in fact, that they didn't last very long.  Well, that's my adventure for today, catch ya tamale!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Camping at Kenneth Wilson State Campground

Hello, my fun-loving friends!

This past weekend I went camping at Kenneth Wilson State Campground, near Woodstock, NY. It was supposed to thunderstorm Friday night, so Hiking Buddy and I battened-down the hatches on the tent.
This tent is ready for any storm!

There were so many ropes and stakes on that thing, it wasn't going anywhere if a tornado hit it! Okay, that's a bit of hyperbole. Anyway, guess what? No thunderstorm. No wind. Almost no rain. Oh well!

Saturday morning we deviated from our normal oatmeal breakfast and had scrambled eggs with green chiles and cheese instead. Yum! As we were sitting at our picnic table, devouring eggs and slurping coffee, the man with his two sons across the lane were making lots of noise. Throughout our stay, we repeatedly heard excited cries of glee over hot chocolate... he had those kids wired! He also seemed to get really frustrated when they got super hyper, but couldn't seem to understand the cause and effect taking place.

Oh, so back to the story. Right. So, we're sitting there, noisy kids nearby. And who shows up?? A big adult black bear! He moseys through the two empty campsites adjacent to the noisy kids, paying neither them, us, or our eggs any attention. We sat there for a moment just watching in our caffeine-deprived state, not sure what to do. Hiking Buddy's first move: grab the camera. In her excitement, she had trouble getting it to work, but here's our proof of the bear:
 You can see him, right?
It's there, that dark smudge, see?

After that excitement, we decided it was time to get out of the woods and onto the water.  Kenneth Wilson Park has kayaks and canoes for rent!
Enjoying a waterfront view of the Catskills

We had fun paddling around the pond and stream, creeping up on turtles basking in the sun, spying on schools of minnows, and viewing lily pads up close. One of the highlights for me was seeing a belted kingfisher fly by.

After canoeing, we ate lunch on the day-use area lawn, then headed back to camp for a rest. Walking around the campground, we found all kinds of neat mushrooms, plants, and animals.
 A salamander at our campsite
Mushroom, with patriotic beer can for scale

There were blackberry bushes scattered throughout the campground, and we managed to find a few that were ripe.  For dinner, we started a big fire and roasted potatoes and onion in the coals. We grilled corn in the husk on the grate. Yum!

We packed up camp on Sunday morning, then walked the nature trail. It's a really pretty walk by a gurgling stream and through an evergreen forest. We saw many more mushrooms in the woods. For our brunch-time treat, we drove over to Woodstock and ate at a Mediterranean restaurant.

I had a really fun time, and would definitely camp there again.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Mexican Food Month: Roasted Corn

Hey there thrill-seekers!

Have I got something that will thrill your taste buds!
 Wow, I need a haircut, huh?

Growing up, we always had boiled corn. Slathered in butter, salt, and pepper, it was a fun summer treat. But man, it has nothing on this corn.

Roasted corn fresh off the grill.

To roast corn, first get some fresh ears. There's a bumper crop of corn right now, so you should be able to find some for a good price.  Take all but the last layer or two of husk off. Peel that back and remove as much of the silk as you can. Leave the ends (as shown in the picture above) for a convenient handle while eating.  Then, wrap it back up, using a strip of husk to tie the end closed.  Put it on a hot grill, rotating every once and a while.  The corn exposed to the grill gets caramelized, which was a flavor I liked. Next time, I'll let more of the corn get caramelized.

The toppings were what really made this corn awesome.  Here's what you do:
  • Take mayonnaise (I know, you're thinking "really??" I thought that, too. Just go with me on this one.) and mix in chipotle sauce to taste. I used the sauce from some canned chipotle chiles, but you could use chipotle hot sauce.  Slather the corn with it, like you would use butter.
  • Sprinkle with: feta, fresh chopped cilantro, lime juice, and chili powder if you like it extra spicy.
  • Prepare to get messy.
  • Eat!
Of the Mexican food I've cooked so far, this is my favorite. Bon Appetit!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Being a Hunter-Gatherer--Lesson 4

Saving Some for Later

Dear Adventurers,

Have you ever had jam so good it makes you wanna slap yo’ mama? No, I don’t mean literally, it’s just a euphemism. But it got your attention, huh?  Well, over the past couple of weeks I made some mama slappin’ jam.

I recently discovered that Hiking Buddy had never been strawberry-picking before.  For me, growing up in the South, this was practically an annual tradition.  I HAD to see this fixed!  We went to Grieg Farm, just a few minutes up the road.  The strawberries were soooo good.  I couldn’t help but sample a couple of them in the field.

Well, isn't this an awkward picture of me?

After picking ‘till our fingers were pink, we brought them home.  It was time to jam. We chose a classic, no pectin strawberry jam recipe from Sherri Vinton Brooks’ food preservation book, Put ‘Em Up!. Every recipe we’ve tried from this has been great so far.  I totally recommend it (the homemade ketchup is killer).  Here’s the strawberries, simmering away to jam:

mmmm, strawberries.

Yum!  It’s really good on toast—a bit less viscous than commercial jam, but with ten times the flavor.  It has really nice caramel undertones, which I suppose came from the long time it took to cook the berries down.

After the first round of jam-making, it was so good we decided to make more. The second time was definitely easier, since I’m still new to canning.  We made a double batch of strawberry jam and a double batch of spicy pickled carrots.  They go really well with a grilled cheese sandwich and soup on a cold day.  I hid some in the back of the pantry so I’ll have a nice surprise this fall!

The farmstands around here are starting to gear up on produce, so I’m looking forward to the next bumper crop of cannable food. 

Are you canning anything? Have a recipe that’ll make you want to slap yo’ mama? Please share!