Friday, January 7, 2011

What's in store for 2011?

Hi everyone! How were your winter holidays? My December was busy! I spent New Year's Eve in New York City, but skipped the Times Square crowd. Ate WAY too much good food! The best? A cappuccino and eclair in Little Italy. Second best? Spanish tapas and sangria!

As the new year has started, so have several new/re-newed projects for Steady:

1) Homebrewing: This is something I've done a little bit before, but I'm hoping to really get into it now. Currently, I have a Mr. Beer kit, which uses a simple process. First batch should be ready in about a week! Plans are in the works to go bigger.

2) Project FeederWatch: My birding hobby! Basically, I watch the birds at my feeder and report it. That data gets compiled and used on a National level. More about this later.

3) Ethnic-Cooking Month: This month my roommate and I are cooking Indian food as much as possible. So far we've made dal, stuffed peppers, a vegetable curry, and parathas. We'll also have a Mexican month and possibly a Thai month.

4) Snowshoeing: I've got the snowshoes, now I'm just waiting for the snow. It's falling as I type!

5) Education: I'm gettin' me some! I'm starting an online certificate program in GIS. Need a map?

I haven't made any resolutions this year, but I do have some goals (in addition to the projects above).  Here they are:

1) go backpacking
2) hike a portion of the Appalachian Trail ( perhaps I can check off 1 and 2 at the same time!)
3) post more and more often on this blog
4) make pickles and can other vegetables and fruits, too (this will have to wait a few months)
5) see at least 100 bird species this year
6) go to at least three "festivals" in the area
7) visit at least five National Parks that I've never been to before

Well, I better get busy! Happy 2011 everyone!

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