Monday, November 29, 2010

In the Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Room....

On the beach everyday from pre-sunrise to near-sunset, I became familiar with the routines of the wildlife on my little stretch of beach.  Part of my job was to be on the lookout for endangered species and oiled or injured animals. When you spend so much time on the beach, you begin to realized that there are a LOT of shorebirds. At first, they all looked the same to me --- they were either gulls, terns, herons, brown pelicans, or something else.  Slowly, I began to see the small differences among them, and began learning their names. I found it mildly entertaining; it was something to do during down time. 

Then, one day, the birding bug bit me by surprise. I was driving down the beach one evening, on my way to the work area, when I saw the STRANGEST bird! I slowed to a crawl as I edged up on it. What WAS it??? A huge beak. Was this some kind of arctic flyer, stopping for a break? A toucan? In Florida? I turned off my vehicle and watched in wonder. It sat on the shoreline, with the company of a few small terns. Then, off it flew, down the beach.  Later, I found out that it was a black skimmer.

Black skimmers have these huge beaks that they use to skim food out of the water. They aren't uncommon birds, although I only saw the one during my two-months down there.

The sense of wonderment and awe at seeing such a totally foreign and unexpected creature on the beach, the place I had spent everyday and all day, was inspiring.  I bought a bird book, and started seriously trying to learn the different birds around me.  I picked up this book: The Smithsonian Field Guide to Birds of North America, and I love it! The pictures are crisp, the text is concise and packed with helpful info, and it's got a stiff (not hard, not soft) cover, which makes it nice for the field. It comes with a DVD of birdsongs, and has a species checklist in the back. I love to make lists and cross them off, so being able to keep track of what birds I've seen is great!

Now that I'm home, I've got a whole new set of birds to learn. I set up two bird feeders outside my windows so that I can drink my morning coffee while spying on the blue jays, mockingbirds, warblers, and others.  I don't know whether this new hobby will be just a hobby, or become an obsession --- I think it's just a hobby. Still, it's fun to know what that bird is singing in the tree nearby.  As I learn more about birding, I expect to pass on the info!


  1. Hey Steady! I'm finally getting on the ball and putting you on my blogs to follow list :) yay.
